China Selects Outstanding Books for Teenagers

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2020-12-16 11:15 0
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A list of 30 outstanding publications for teenagers was released after rounds of selections by the authorities in China recently.

Eleven books in the fields of humanities and social sciences are on the list, including Brief History of New China: the Annual Stories of 1949-2019 by China Youth Press, The Communist Manifesto (a version with colored drawings for children) by Jieli Publishing House, and General History of China in Idioms by Shanghai People's Publishing House.


The other 19 on the list are literary works for children, such as Children in Bayan Har Mountains by the 21st Century Publishing Group and Little Painter in Dunhuang by Gansu Juvenile and Children's Publishing House.


The selection is a move to promote the publications that strengthen the education on the history of the Party and the New China, promote the spirit of the Chinese nation and the core socialist values, deepen education on socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese Dream, and help improve the all-round development of the Chinese teenagers.


(Source: Xinhua/Translated and edited by Women of China)